Các bài luyện tập tiếng Anh lớp 7 

    Bài tập 1. Chia động từ phù hợp vào ô trống

    1. He (play) soccer every Saturday morning.
    2. My brother (go) to school by bus every day.
    3. The sun (rise) in the east and (set) in the west.
    4. Last summer, my family (visit) Ha Long Bay.
    5. We (watch) a great movie at the cinema yesterday.
    6. Tom (eat) lunch at 12 o'clock yesterday.
    7. She (study) for her exams at the moment.
    8. They (play) basketball in the park now.
    9. We (not, watch) TV right now.
    10. Tomorrow, I (meet) my friend for lunch.

    Bài tập 2. Cho đoạn văn sau, điền từ thích hợp vào ô trống

    Last summer, my family and I (1) (go) on a vacation to the countryside. We (2)(stay) in a cozy cottage surrounded by beautiful green hills. Every morning, we (3)(wake) up early to explore the area. We (4)(walk) along winding paths, (5)(admire) wildflowers, and (6)(listen) to the birds singing. In the afternoons, we (7)(visit) nearby villages and (8)(sample) local delicacies at quaint cafes. One day, we (9)(decide) to go hiking in the mountains. It was a challenging but rewarding experience. We (10)(climb) to the top of a peak and (11)(enjoy) breathtaking views of the landscape below. In the evenings, we (12)(gather) around a campfire, (13)(share) stories, and (14)(roast) marshmallows. It was a memorable trip.

    Bài tập 3. Hoàn thành các câu so sánh hơn/ so sánh nhất dưới đây

    1. This book is (interesting) than that one.
    2. My brother is (tall) than me.
    3. Winter is (cold)than summer.
    4. The new restaurant is (busy) than the old one.
    5. Sarah is (creative) than her sister.
    6. He is (tall) person in our class.
    7. This is (delicious) cake I've ever tasted.
    8. It was (hot) day of the year.
    9. That movie is (boring) one I've ever seen.
    10. She is (smart) student in our school

    Bài tập 4. Điền các đại từ sở hữu phù hợp vào ô trống

    1. This book belongs to me. It is (I).
    2. That bicycle is ; I bought it last week. (you)
    3. They forgot to bring tickets to the concert. (they)
    4. She lost keys at the mall. (she)
    5. We need to submit project by Friday. (we)
    6. He found wallet under the table. (he)
    7. Can I borrow pen for a moment? (you)
    8. The dog wagged tail happily. (it)
    9. house is the one with the red door. (we)
    10. Is this book or mine? (you)

    Bài tập 5. Điền một liên từ phù hợp vào chỗ trống

    1. She likes to read books, she also enjoys watching movies.
    2. Tom wanted to go to the beach. , it was raining heavily.
    3. We studied hard we could pass the exam.
    4. Jenny is allergic to peanuts, she always checks food labels before eating.
    5. David loves playing soccer, he's not very good at it.
    6. I had a headache I decided to take a nap.
    7. Peter is going on vacation next week, he's very excited about it.
    8. Sarah wants to become a doctor she can help people.
    9. We went to the park yesterday, we had a picnic.
    10. The train arrived late, we missed the beginning of the movie.

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