bài tập thì quá khứ đơn

    Exercise 1: Chia những động từ sau về dạng quá khứ đơn

    1. play =>
    2. eat =>
    3. write =>
    4. go =>
    5. laugh =>
    6. like =>
    7. watch =>
    8. drink =>
    9. visit =>
    10. sleep =>

    Exercise 2: Chia động từ với những từ cho trước trong ngoặc

    1. Last night, he (go) to sleep at 9 p.m
    2. She (visit)musuem yesterday
    3. They (eat) at the restaurant last week
    4. We (make) some cakes for our friends
    5. Last month, he (fly) to London to visit her parents

    Exercise 3: Chọn đáp án đúng cho những câu sau đây

    1. I_______to Da Lat last summer

    2. This afternoon, she_______ in the kitchen

    3. What_______you do last night?

    4. Did you do your homework? - No, I_____

    5. Last year, I______to Ha Noi by plain

    Exercise 4: Chuyển những câu hiện tại đơn sau sang quá khứ đơn

    1. We cook in the kitchen

    2. They are here

    3. She plays badminton in the yard

    4. I am a nurse

    5. He sings happy songs

    Exercise 5: Hoàn thành đoạn văn sau

    Yesterday, I (1) to school and it (2)so much fun. I (3) football with my friends and then we (4)fried chicken in the class. It (5)delicious. When I got home, my mother (6)me and my elder brother to a Japanese restaurant. I love sushi so much. We got home at 9 p.m, (7)teeth and then (8) to sleep at 10 p.m. It (9) a wonderful day.

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