Bài tập từ vựng tiếng Anh lớp 5

    Exercise 1: Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống:

    1. I have a pet cat. is very playful.
    2. The red ball is the table.
    3. She invited me to her birthday party, I was very excited.
    4. We are going to the park our friends.
    5. The blue car is the garage.
    6. This is pencil. Is it yours?
    7. She always sít the front row in class.
    8. My brother and are going to the park.
    9. The book is the shelf.
    10. She likes ice cream, she doesn’t like chocolate.

    Exercise 2: Viết các tính từ sở hữu.

    1. This is (I) favorite car.
    2. Look at (they)  new house.
    3. Can I borrow (you) pen, please?
    4. The cat is playing with (it) toy mouse.
    5. We visited (we) grandparents last weekend.
    6. She loves reading (she) interesting book.
    7. The teacher praised (he) hard work.
    8. The colorful flowers are in (they) beautiful garden.
    9. The pink car is (we) family car.
    10. The students are excited about (they) upcoming trip.

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