Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 3 về ngữ pháp

    Bài 1: Choose the best answer (Chọn đáp án đúng nhất)

    1. My sister is ____________ TV.

    2. What colour is your book? It’s ___________.

    3. A. How many teddy bears do you have? - B: ____________________.

    4. ___________ is the ball? - It’s on the bed.

    5. This is my car. ________ is new.

    6. I like ________ .

    7. How old ____ you ?

    8. ____ your book, please!

    Bài 2: Fill in the blank (Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống)









    1. What you see? – I can see a tiger.

    2. What’s the parrot ? – It’s counting.
    3. Mary flying a kite.
    4. My pencil is .
    5. Nam three ships and two trains.
    6. How rabbits do you have? – I have some.
    7. are you, Mary? – I’m fine, thank you.
    8. Touch your !

    Bài 3: Read and answer the questions (Đọc và trả lời câu hỏi)

    Hi! My name is Hoa. I have a big house. There are five rooms in my house. My mother is cooking in the kitchen and my father is watching TV in the living room. I have a lot of pets. These are my dogs. They are on the chair. I have three rabbits in the garden. 

    1. Is the house big?

    2. How many rooms in the house?

    3. What is the father doing?

    4. Where is the mother?

    5. Does Linda have any cats?

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